Daya( kindness)            

                              Binu dil daya dharam nahi loka,                                           
                              binu satsang mete nahi soka.

Without daya (compassion ),one cannot be a seeker of truth. Dhamma is based on the foundation of kindness.Withuot satsang (company of saints ) , there cannot be liberation from sorrow.

                              Jo dil daya darad base,        lage surati sat taahi 
                               puhup baas sugandh rasha, bikhe bekar na aahi

The heart where kindness dwells,has mindfulness to Sat.That heart is full of fragrance of flowers.No negative thoughts ever come in the heart of such persons.

                               Nigam soi jo daya dridhave,
                               sadhu soi nirmal guna gave.

True scriptures are those which preach kindness to all living being.Saint is one  who sings  the praise of the Lord.


Saints have preached non-violence. Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sant  Kabir, Sant Dariya and others have emphasized the practice of loving kindness for the realization of Truth. Compassionate Buddha once lifted and carried an injured lamb which was walking with difficulty in the herd.  The herd was on the way to the place of sacrifice for earning merit for the king. Buddha even pleaded to the priest who was slaughtering animals to sacrifice him in place of dumb animals as he would be better placed to plead the case of the king with the celestial gods for merit. Lord Buddha preached against violence. One of the precept of Panchsila is abstinence from killing / in-juring .

Jesus Christ ordered his disciple to put back his sword in the sheath  which he pulled out to attack the tormentor of Christ. Jesus said that those who draw the sword , die of the sword.

Sant Dariya found non-violence as the message of Gita ( nij mukh so Krishna bakhani, jiva daya Gita mah jani ).Mahatma Gandhi took inspiration from Gita. He practiced the precepts of Gita in his life.He wrote a book on Gita named Anaashakti Yoga . In the preface of the book, Gandhi says that Gita preaches non-violence. The battle of Kurukshetra in his opinion is the internal battle that man wages in his day to day  life . Gandhi  on the basis of fifty years of practice of the precepts of Gita says that anaashakti yoga which is the summum bonum of Gita cannot  be practiced without adhering to non- violence. Though the message of Gita has been given in the battle field and Krishna exhorts Arjuna to fight Kauravas, the inherent message is of non-violence.The fight refers to the battle of  spirit with internal demon whose army is lust, anger, hatred etc.

Sant Dariya says that the true scriptures are those that preach non-violence. Without compassion , worship is futile ( binu daya bandagi bada hai ).He who practices non-violence is a true saint ( darvesh ). Some poet has also said:

                         jaha daya taha dharama hai, jaha lov taha papa
                         jaha krodh taha kal hai, jaha kshama taha  aap.

Those, who are the seekers of the indestructible dhamma ( Truth ), must   practice non- violence.One must  treat all living beings like oneself. As one suffers pain so do all living being and therefore, one should not injure / kill any living being. The seeker must adhere to vegetarianism. If  you must kill,  then kill the internal demon  along with his army of  lust, avarice, anger, hatred  etc.      

 Mahatma  Gandhi fought the Indian independance struggle with the weapon of ahimsa. He said that non-violence is the weapon of the brave.Winning of independance from the most powerful empire of the time with non-violent means was a unique experiment that Gandhi did.According to him, realisation of Truth is impossible without the observance of non-violence.

Saints of all ages have preached the doctrine of non-violence for the realisation of Truth.

                                                                                                                               Doman Singh
                                                                                                                        Anand Vihar, Patna-14