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Teachings of Sant Dariya

 Sant DariyaSatpurush sends HIS son to the world to save the living beings from the clutches of Kal. Sant Dariya Saheb came to the world under the instructions of the Lord to save Jivas.Satpurush came to Dharkandha(a village in Bihar, India) to instruct Dariya Saheb. The Lord enthroned Sant Dariya and assured him to save the souls that followed his teachings.

Sant preached ahimsa(non-violence) against all living beings.According to him,unless lamp of kindness is lighted, the soul cannot find the path that leads to the Lord.

The teaching of Dariya Saheb is above sects,castes and religions.People belonging to any race,religion and caste can be benefited from His teaching.According to the saint, all the men and women are the creation of the Satpurush.One should love and respect others as one expects love and respect from others.Harsh words should not be spoken.One should see his own image in others.Sant preached love and devotion to the Satpurush only.According to Him no purpose is served by visiting places of pilgrimage if true devotion to the Lord is misssing.Sant preached against ritualism.The human body has all the sixty eight tirthas(places of pilgrimage). It is the true mandir/masjid in which the Lord could be discovered and worshipped.

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